If this neighborhood had better weather, this would rival Pacific Heights and Presidio Heights in value and luxury. As it is, the ‘gated’ neighborhood is the closest you’ll get to Pasadena or San Marino in San Francisco — it even has key-access parks and a large fountain or two and the area contains single-family homes only. The homes are large, grander and detached and named after California cities with a “Saint,” “San,” or “Santa.” Homes will have detached garages, driveways and manicured lawns and canopy trees that all exude a non-San Francisco feel (the neighborhood should be nice because each owner has to pay a decent amount in annual neighborhood dues). You’ll encounter many, many styles of houses here — anything that looks expensive or was ever perceived as such in the 1940s and 1950s. So this is why you’ll see Tudor-style houses mixed in with what people thought represented wealth over different eras. Some homes have been renovated while many others are awaiting modern updates after being owned by the same family for decades. So this is why you’ll see Tudor-style houses mixed in with what people thought represented wealth over different eras. Some homes have been renovated in that Peninsula/Orange County terezzo-heavy manner while many others are awaiting modern updates after being owned by the same family for decades so expect to see porta-potties and contractors among the benzes and that leaf blower crew.